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With our product Day-Ahead, you can optimize your current contracts shortly. In other words: You book your injection and withdrawal rate today and already use it tomorrow. The product can exclusively be booked online and to already existing contracts of Trading for the particular storage respectively to contracts of Hub Trading Flat or Hub Trading.

Market area



VGS Storage Hub, Etzel, VHP THE

Characteristic curve restriction




Minimum booking amount

0.01 MWh/h

Implementation period

Online booking:

Two (2) hours

Physical storage


Transfer points 



StorageMarket areaAdjacent network operatorGas transfer point
VGS Storage HubTHEONTRAS Gastransport GmbHVGS Storage Hub
Gasunie Deutschland Transport Services GmbHUGS Etzel-ESE
Open Grid Germany GmbHEtzel (Speicher ESE), Bitzenlander Weg 3, Speicher
Contract term 

min 1 gas day

Additional booking 

The product can be booked to all existing Trading and Hub
contract for the storages VGS Storage Hub and ESE.


The fees for Day-Ahead capacities are independent from storage and consistent for all storages. We send an daily e-mail (working day) with the available capacities and fee. However, the fee can be adjusted at short notice depending on the market situation and the allocation of the capacities takes place according to the principle „first-come-first-served“.

The available capacity amounts are published on the day D-1 at 11:00 a.m. on the website of VGS and on easystore; the corresponding capacity quota then can be booked from 11:00 a.m. until 03:00 a.m. (flange products) or 05:00 p.m. (hub products) for the same day. If the following gas day is on a weekend or a holiday, these days can be booked within one booking directly in advance until the first following working day.



Supplementary Agreement Day-Ahead


Fee Schedule 


Do you have questions or  
need help deciding?


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It couldn't be more short-term: book additional capacities for the same gas day (from 1 pm). The product Within-Day enables a quick reaction on the intraday market as well as the clearing of balancing group discrepancies. 

In order to enable a short-term booking at any time, we conclude an additional agreement "Within-Day" once. For a capacity booking, please contact us by telephone at 0341 443 - 2404/ or - 5744. Please note that booking requests are processed from Monday to Friday between 9 am and 4 pm. 

We will send you a booking form by e-mail. By returning the signed form (by e-mail) you have successfully booked the capacities. Book your desired capacity from 6 am with a lead time of 3 hours. The capacity is available to you as a band and rest-of-day. 

Market area



VGS Storage Hub, Etzel

Characteristic curve restriction




Minimum booking amount

0.10 MWh/h resp. 0.10 Tsd. m³/h

Lead time

Three (3) hours

Physical storage




Booking period


Transfer points 



StorageMarket areaAdjacent network operatorGas transfer point
VGS Storage HubTHEONTRAS Gastransport GmbHVGS Storage Hub
Gasunie Deutschland Transport Services GmbHUGS Etzel-ESE
Open Grid Germany GmbHEtzel (Speicher ESE),
Bitzenlander Weg 3,
Contract term 
 earliest possible start of use (Rest-of-day)   

01:00 p.m.

Additional booking 

The product can be booked to all existing Trading and Hub
contract for the storages VGS Storage Hub and ESE.

Supplementary Agreement Day-Ahead


Booking form


Fee Schedule


Do you have questions or  
need help deciding?


Free Capacities   Contact us   Configure your Product

Add on - Early Injection and Late Withdrawal

Would you like to fill a concluded contract, which only starts in the future, rather to use low market prices? Or would you like to extend the withdrawal phase of your contract?

Our Add ons "Early Injection" and "Late Withdrawal" make this possible.

Add on Early Injection
Additional booking of WGV and IR to extend the service period before the start of the basic contract.

Add on Late Withdrawal
Additional booking of WGV and WR to extend the service period after the end of the basic contract.

The capacities do not have to correspond to the capacity ratio of the basic contract, but are limited to the maximum booked capacities of the basic contract. The characteristic curves correspond to the logic of the basic contract.

Base contract

available for Trading, Hub Trading

Minimum booking amount


Implementation periodon request:

Five (5) working days

Booking request


The fees for add ons to the contract extension are the same for all storages and VGS defines an internal minimum fee in (€/MWh)/d.
As a booking request you can send us an informal inquiry (by telephone or e-mail) with a fee in € for the entire period of the extension. The booking request can be divided as follows:

a) Working gas level at a certain time

For this please specify in your inquiry the service period of the add on and the desired WGV, which should be filled, and the bid in €. Then we determine the necessary injection or withdrawal rate for you.

b) injection or withdrawal rate over a specific time

Give us your desired IR or WR for the extension of the contract, the service period and the bid in € in your inquiry. We calculate the necessary WGV for you. 


Supplementary agreement Add on "Early Injection"


Supplementary agreement Add on "Late Withdrawal"




Do you have questions or  
need help deciding?


Free Capacities   Contact us   Configure your Product

Add on - IR | WR | WGV

Would you like to optimise a concluded contract and expand it to include injection and/or withdrawal capacity and/or working gas volume? This is easily possible with our add-on products.

Add your desired capacity to your existing contract in the short or long term and make use of the full potential of your storage contract.


You are welcome to send us your booking request containing the contract number of the respective base contract and the desired capacity(ies) together with the service period ( and we will send you the offer. Please note the valid supplementary agreement.