Listen. And Be Heard.
We are active in several German and international associations which represent both our financial and political interests. Germany must import most of its natural gas. This makes gas storage facilities critical to ensuring stability in both supply and pricing. One of our main objectives is making sure that the immensely important role of natural gas storage for Germany is understood in both political and legal circles.
Initiative Erdgasspeicher e. V.
INES is an association of major German storage operators based in Berlin to represent their interests in politics, business and the public. The association is committed to raising public awareness of natural gas storage facilities, which are indispensable for the energy transition and security of supply.
Bundesverband der Energie- und Wasserwirtschaft e.V.
The BDEW brings together German companies and associations in the energy and water industry and is based in Berlin. It represents the interests of its members and advises and supports them on issues relevant to the industry.
Gas Storage Europe
GSE is the association of European gas storage operators under the umbrella organisation GIE (Gas Infrastructure Europe) based in Brussels. The association represents the interests of the industry vis-à-vis the European institutions and regulatory authorities.
Energy Saxony
As a network of contacts and ideas, ‘Energy Saxony’ aims to expand the competitiveness and export strength of Saxony's energy sector - and strengthen the associated research. As a member of the association, VNG Gasspeicher is focussing on more networking and exchange within the energy industry.
Bundesverband Energiespeicher e.V.
The BVES brings together companies and organisations from all areas of energy storage. The aim of the association is to represent the rapidly growing and independent sector of the storage industry with one voice vis-à-vis politics, administration and the public. At the same time, the association forms a high-quality formal and informal network of contacts in the field of energy storage in Germany, Europe and internationally.
DBI Gas- und Umwelttechnik
We have been working together with DBI Gas- und Umwelttechnik GmbH on practical research projects for many years. These include the optimised use of glycol in gas drying systems using a special membrane technology.
Our contact representative for regulatory and associative matters