Our society is going through a far-reaching transformation. Two key factors in this transformation are ensuring that the energy supply is secure while implementing effective measures to protect the climate. These points also apply to, or even especially for, natural gas enterprises. We are concentrating our actions into three areas so that we can best do our part.
Green Products & Future Fields
From the transformation of green electricity into hydrogen and the storage of bio-natural gas through to climate-neutral storage: we recognize the true sustainable potential of natural gas and reflect it in our range of products and services.
What do energy optimisation, the building of towers for bats, and the utilisation of “waste” or lost heat have in common? They all work to protect the environment and are also part of our green strategy.
We are equally committed to both people and the environment. That’s why we are dedicated to greater cooperation and scientific exchange at our facilities and the regions which they are a part of.
Sustainability Strategy
“We want to become more sustainable” is one result of our internal strategic analysis of 2019. Starting with and building upon our core business structures, we defined sustainable goals and priorities and restructured existing climate-related activities while developing new products, services and projects. As a business in the energy sector, we are well aware of our responsibilities as part of the sustainable transformation and we are committed to a path of continual improvement.
The SDG´s
VNG Gasspeicher GmbH is committed to the United Nation’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). These call on both governments and non-governmental organisations to do their part in reaching selected goals while documenting their progress. We gladly agree to do all we can in working toward these important targets.
We are actively working towards goals 3 Good Health and Well-being, 4 Quality Education, 5 Gender Equality, 7 Affordable and Clean Energy, 8 Decent Work and Economic Growth, 9 Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure, 12 Responsible Consumption and Production, 13 Climate Action and 17 Life on Land.
You can find more specifics of what we are doing in each of the following areas on our website: Green Products, Future Fields, Environment and Commitment.
Green products

The future success of the energy transformation will be directly linked to an ability to store large volumes of gas and energy. This can be done using underground storage for bio-natural gas or other innovative storage possibilities for power-to-gas products. We are working to improve our climate-neutral products, investing in research and storage technologies for both natural gas and renewable energy sources. Flexible and sustainable.
Not all gasses are created equal. With a bio-shipping code, our customers store their own gas with us - their bio-natural gas is linked to their bio-gas balancing group and retains its biogenic qualities.
Do you want to contribute - to protect our environment – even during the gas storage process? Trading VSH green allows us to cover the energy requirements for gas injection and withdrawal using energy derived purely from bio-natural gas. That’s how ecologically meaningful storage works.