European Natural Gas Storage Professionals with Roots in Central Germany
When you have half a century of experience developing and operating underground natural gas storage facilities, you've learned a thing or two about the business. With this knowledge we have worked hard to make all of the technical processes involved in our gas storage operations safe, reliable and efficient. We employ highly qualified teams at each of our facilities, using the most modern of telecontrol systems as well as integrated quality and safety management.
But we never stop developing and improving upon ourselves. Together with market partners and the scientific community, we are always working on the facilities and technology of tomorrow. And we offer stability: as a wholly owned subsidiary of VNG AG with headquarters in Leipzig.
The Future is Our Daily Business.
Despite the rapid changes taking place in today's energy markets natural gas will continue to play a key part in this important field. At the same time, reliable storage solutions for renewable energy are being sought after across Europe. VNG Gasspeicher is up the challenge. Using intelligent, customer-oriented storage products and innovative ideas, we are already placing our clients at the forefront of marketplace flexibility. We pick up on decisive impulses – and offer you the greatest degree of flexibility possible so you can take advantage of opportunities more quickly and effectively.
Maximized Service. Maximum Responsibility.
We operate storage facilities at four locations in both eastern and northern Germany. Across Europe we market 2.3 billion cubic meters of storage capacity. All of our storage facilities are connected to the THE market area. Our Jemgum location is also linked with TTF. This means that our customers are ensured secure, stable access to the most important European trading markets.
A Team of Storage Experts
Storage marketing, conclusion, processing and invoicing of storage contracts: we bundle all of our knowledge and know how into one. The foundation of our success? Our 110 employees – a strong team with competitive, optimized solutions for each and every client that we work for.

Storage Facility Operation
Reliable and efficient: we guarantee technical processes at the highest possible level.
Project and Asset Management
Natural gas plays a key role in the energy mix while storage solutions for renewable energies are becoming increasingly more important; both of which mean that underground gas storage is, and will remain, in demand across Europe.
Product Development
Our technology and marketing departments work hand in hand in order to create and utilize product innovations swiftly. New products are reliable – yet available quickly.
We are a young enterprise. One, however, with many years of experience to draw upon. Our focus lies in efficient and innovative technology. And due to the fact that storage operations and marketing cooperate closely and well in tune with each other, our customers can count on having a reliable partner at their side.
Invoicing is done by us internally. This ensures that we, as storage operators, are able to provide the entire service chain from one source – dependability to the highest degree.
What, exactly, are you looking for? We offer a wide variety of intelligent combinations of contractual periods, working gas volumes, turnover and injection or withdrawal rates.
Our processing team monitors our customers' contracts around the clock – always current and up to speed.
Underground For Good Reason
The First Steps.
Natural Gas Instead of Coal Gas.
The First Caverns.
The Beginnings of Marketing.
Responsibility: Today for Tomorrow.
We accept responsibility for the environment and our role in society; particularly in those regions where we are actively present. Transparent and sustainable actions, social involvement and open communication are not just buzz words to us but, rather an everyday reality.
Effective: Integrated Management Systems
We have it in writing: the integrated management systems which we have developed and put into use works. At its core is the constant improvement of quality in our process structures – including the fulfillment of high standards in place for safe facility operations and protection of the environment.
Exemplary: Job & Family
Yes, we are family conscious: On June, 25 ,2019 we received a certificate for the audit "berufundfamilie" with permanent character, which once again acknowledges our personnel and family policy.
DVGW G 1000
The Technical Safety Management of VNG Gasspeicher GmbH was successfully audited by the DVGW in accordance with the requirements of DVGW Code of Practice G 1000. In this worksheet, the requirements for companies for the operation of gas supply plants are presented with regard to the structural and procedural organization.